Meet the Bookstagrammer

One result of the pandemic is that I have gotten really into Bookstagram, the corner of social media populated by booklovers and the books they love. In an effort to reduce some of my anxiety, I’ve begun reading more, mostly on my Kindle, and exploring my reader data+writing reviews on StoryGraph. It’s seriously cool and I am encouraging everyone to check it out.

Recently, I discovered NetGalley, which is a site that helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Publishers make digital review copies available for free to reviewers, in exchange for honest reviews. Between that and my two beloved library apps, Hoopla and Libby (formerly known as Overdrive), I have no shortage of things to read. The hard part is finding the time and taking it easy on my eyes (getting older sux).

How did you find bookstagram?

Actually, I found bookstagram by accident through the #IndigenousAuthors hashtag. From there I started just poking around and exploring various hashtags, and honestly, for me, what really kicked it off was realizing that I had totally polarizing views to a lot of what was out there, especially in regards to Indigenous literature (respectfully, There There left me cold) and that’s what made me want to join my voice to the chorus. 

What are you passionate about other than books?

Fighting for justice and community building. Advocating for unions and the organization of the working class against the fascist systems that oppress us. Detroit Red Wings hockey. 

Favorite thing about bookstagram?

The community! Because of bookstagram, I met Julia and Victoria, and we became podcasting pals. Getting to do a guest spot on their show was probably my favorite thing to ever come out of bookstagram.

I get to talk to people from all over the world and fangirl out over the same series and publishing announcements, which is really cool for me, especially since a lot of my pals IRL don’t share these same interests. It’s also really neat to be able to directly interact with authors whose work I admire. 

Which author has been your biggest inspiration?

That’s a tough one, because there have been so many series and stories that I have identified strongly with over the years. Rumiko Takahashi has consistently had a place on my bookshelf, and I credit a lot of my own storytelling abilities to consuming her prolific catalog as a young person.

What’s something you’ll take away from bookstagram?

I appreciate the community for giving me a space where the Internet is _fun_ again. 

What’s a book everyone should read?

The Little Prince, 100%, because: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

If stranded on a desert island, what three books would you want to have with you?

One with soft pages, for wiping, so probably something like the Bible. Another with thicker pages that I could use as tinder if need be, and Illusions by Richard Bach.

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